About us

We are a strategic consulting firm specialising in the cosmetics and beauty industry. We offer creative and customised solutions based on a deep knowledge of sectors and markets, and on a network of excellent partners. We support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow and compete in a global market in the era of disruption. Our mission is to help our clients realise their vision by creating distinctive brands, expanding their international presence, supporting their investment and acquisition decisions, and assessing the quality and compliance of their products.

About us

We are a strategic consulting firm specialising in the cosmetics and beauty industry. We offer creative and customised solutions based on a deep knowledge of sectors and markets, and on a network of excellent partners. We support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow and compete in a global market in the era of disruption. Our mission is to help our clients realise their vision by creating distinctive brands, expanding their international presence, supporting their investment and acquisition decisions, and assessing the quality and compliance of their products.

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